Monday, March 22, 2010

Epiphany of the Split Ends

Looking at the mirror, I never thought my unkempt and uneven hair almost reached my waistline. Hair grows approximately half inch every month. Mine seems to grow about an inch every month. The length didn’t really bother me that much except for one thing; the split ends.

As the hair grows and for the hair to stay healthy and pleasing to one ’s self and to others as well, a shampoo and conditioner massage are deemed important just as regular combing does. However, too much effort which may suggest hair treatment done in an irregular basis such as a hair relax or rebond done every month to come up with a really straight hair has a relatively negative effect on one’s hair. Too much exposure to chemicals and even regular shampoo massage result to brittleness.

Such happens in a romantic relationship. Too much effort as in unusual everyday dating, everyday phone calls and exchange of text messages more likely brittles a relationship. How is this so? The more a person exposes himself/herself towards the other, like the hair getting more exposed to chemicals in hair rebond/ relax or a regular shampoo massage resulting to brittleness, the more he/she gets used to the other and the more likely he/she gets fed up towards the other.

The same happens and holds true to exerting whether no effort or less effort in a relationship, romantically speaking. No phone calls or exchange of text messages in a week definitely brittles a relationship. If no hair repair is made, if the brittleness is not mended, if a person gets fed up towards the other without resolve, the worst situation is split up. Once the tip of the hair splits up, there is no way for a hair repair but to resort to cutting.

Cutting off the split ends is plainly putting an end to the unpleasantness of the split ends , disremembering the melancholy of the split up.

As I looked at my combed hair on the mirror, the split ends truly bothered me.

I think it’s time to get a hair cut.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Letters on the Sand

The scorching rays of the sun. The clear sky. The waves kept tossing and tossing on the sea. The scenery would have been perfect..

As the waters touch the shore, I watched how they could easily removed the letters on the sand..

Yes, the letters.. It was your name.

I watched how the waters could easily removed your name..

The scorching rays of the sun. The clear sky. The waves kept tossing and tossing on the sea.

The scenery would have been perfect..


On the shore……. There I was.....,enduring the scorching rays as they slowly burn my skin…And watched how the waters could easily removed your name..

Dali could be correct, there is persistence of memory.

Monday, January 5, 2009

The Masochist in Us

For you, I bleed myself…

A line from Coldplay’s Yellow which made me ponder on some things that I, a human being, often neglect and/or failed to realize.

As human beings, apart from logic and reason, emotions are what separate us from the other species in the Kingdom Animalia. And pain, of course, is one of them.

We, human beings, regard pain as a natural condition in our life, a part in our life that we would be able to overcome. The same goes within the context of love. Being hurt (emotionally) is inevitable once we love. However, since we are human beings, we embrace pain wholly, thinking again that it is a natural and a normal condition in our life. This makes us, human beings, masochists. Why do I have this conclusion?

When we love, romantically speaking, we do not readily tell the person right away, out and loud. Why? Human as we are, we tend to be consequentialists in our decisions. That is, we think of every consequence of an action or decision we make. And we would resort to the decision of which the consequence would outweigh the other.

Once we tell the magic words to the person, we could no longer take them back. When words fly, it is impossible to catch them. And telling the person would basically result to two possible things; either you end up rejoicing or your heart shatters into pieces. However, we tend to consider more the latter than the former. We set our minds that the latter would have a higher probability to occur. That is, when we tell him/her, we would be more likely rejected.

Then why set our minds this way? Simple. We make this an excuse and/or alibi so as to evade ourselves from too much pain. Or more correctly, to save ourselves from too much pain and embarrassment just in case the former fails. We would rather prefer internal pain thinking that this is more bearable.

Still, pain. A real manifestation of the masochist in us.

More so, telling a person is like jumping off from a building expecting someone to catch us, with thoughts of death awaiting us. Yes, death. Once you landed, your brain splatters on the ground. However, you do not die. You bleed for so long.

As for me and my case, whether to tell him or not is the same thing. It is suicide. Telling him does not necessarily assure me of him throwing it back. The same goes with keeping it, I only bleed slowly to death. But if I were to choose between the two options, I would rather keep it to myself.

What would be the point of telling him when I knew from the start that I am already bleeding?

Depression and Happiness

(This blog entry was originally a message sent to a friend through email but later I decided to share this to everyone..)

I am depressed.. I am too tired of everything..I am too tired of understanding people..I am too tired of caring for people, people who do not even bother about my feelings..I am too tired of everything..Or could it be the other way around? Maybe somehow, somewhere, someone's also saying or thinking the same thing I am thinking right now..

I am depressed..'Coz you know what, there are people who can be very rich, happy, contented, satisfied with their lives..And then what? there are also people who are extremely opposite to them..People who are isang kahig, isang tuka or the poor..Why is that? 'Coz there's so much inequality..Social inequality is everywhere..You can find inequality in the society, in the church and even at home..And the elites will never realize that unless they're in the poor's shoes..(this is not something against your class but this is just the way I see and understand things, the bitter reality).. maybe that's the way societies were made; there are people who suffer from poverty in the same way that there are people who also enjoy luxuries of life...That is, to make a counterbalance.. like like yin and yang, like depression and happiness, they are two sides of the coin ..And we're born in this world to suffer and be happy..

Have you ever felt this in your life? I mean, the depression I'm suffering..Depression, depression, depression..Like love, it's like a disease that slowly eats you up even before you knew it..

And it's eating me up..

Sunday, May 4, 2008


She walks in the classroom wearing a loose shirt, a pair of flat sandals and a straight-cut jeans. She sits down the monobloc chair, browses through her big springed notebook and starts to jot down something, making everybody quiet.

When she laughs, creases formed at the side of her eyes and her lips. The creases are noticeable that even from afar, one could see them clearly. Her eyes seem to smile even when she's mad, pissed off or agitated. But behind those eyes is a lonely soul searching for what they call absolute happiness.

When she talks, she gives this kind of impression that a person might mistakenly perceive as arrogance..Yes, she is arrogant, sometimes. Her soft voice, though, compensates this arrogance.

But, the arrogance, the sad eyes and the creases at the side of her lips and eyes seem to reveal something in her. A beauty which I never realized would exist....,.something which caught me off guard.